Revival in the Church: A Prerequisite for Global Reformation

I have been asked a time or two, “What is your vision for the High Desert?”  My answer is always the same – “My vision is to see the real, tangible Kingdom of God emerge in every sphere in this community through a revived Spirit-filled people.”

What I mean by this is that we, the people of God, must be able to catch God’s heart for our personal lives, our families and our community.  When we do, we will commit our entire lives to this cause and work diligently to bring it forth.  The church is called to be the vehicle for not only revival (which is the internal need of the body), but for the literal reformation of society (which is the external need for the world).  When the church has been revived, then everything else is impacted to the greatest degree.

It is my desire that the Gate Church is an instrumental part in this restorative process in the earth.  Our vision statement says that we are striving to be an Acts 1:8 church.  Jesus said,

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

It states that we will be witnesses in Jerusalem (Victorville), Judea (Victor Valley region), Samaria (Southern California) and the ends of the earth (our nation and the nations).  But notice that this happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon us.  Revival is about the Holy Spirit coming upon you!  REVIVAL IS ABOUT THE CHURCH BEING EMPOWERED AND RESTORED.
Empowered by Our Christ

The very word "revive" presupposes life. You can only revive what has already had vitality.  It is needed when life is weakened, becomes sick or apathy sets in. I think the nearest analogy I can give you is the case of a man who apparently drowned. He had been under the water for an incredible amount of time. Then somebody pulled him out and began to perform CPR on him.  CPR is a manual procedure to restore blood circulation and breathing in the one who is losing life.  The heart was massaged and breath was breathed into the individual pushing water out and life in and he was revived.  

This is what revival is for the church.  CPR (Christ Provided Resuscitation) is when He touches our heart and breathes the Holy Spirit into our spiritual lungs pushing sin out and bringing us back from the brink of death to life!

Revival means to revitalize.  It means to restore lost power.  It means to recover lost energy.  In the Acts of the Apostles 3:19 we read,

"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord."

Refreshing in this verse is the same as revitalization.  It comes from the presence of the Lord – the filling of the Holy Spirit!  Until we experience revival, we will not fully accomplish what Christ commanded in Acts 1:8.  We need revival in order for the world to experience reformation! 

Revival is about the Church being empowered by the Holy Spirit and restored to the Covenant of God.  When this happens, the world is in danger of being overtaken by holiness!


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