Moving Forward in Miracle Faith
In Philippians 3:8-16, Paul makes a very profound statement that describes both how one should live as well as what a right theological understanding will produce in a FAITH FILLED FOLLOWER of Christ. Paul writes,
“I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— 10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead. 12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. 16 Only let us hold true to what we have attained.”
Paul is speaking out of humility realizing that he has not yet achieved this profound way of living, yet he is outlining the purpose of life for not only himself, but for everyone that calls themself a Christian - a follower of Christ. Paul is describing the way a FAITH FILLED FOLLOWER of Christ will think, live and move.
The church of the 21st century is in great need of Filled Followers of Christ. It is what our community and world needs, particularly in these days of grave darkness. If local churches are filled with not just bodies but human containers of the fullness of God’s Spirit and human carriers of the anointing of our Lord, then the heavenly vision for earth would be fulfilled and the spiritual strategies of God’s Kingdom would be carried out through the church.
Our spiritual success as a church is directly tied to our spiritual synergy as a people! Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
So when there is a synergy between FAITH FILLED FOLLOWERS in the context of the local church, there is nothing we can’t accomplish for Christ and His purposes. The cry of our day is an authentic and genuine revival that releases a fresh anointing that breaks through the darkness and pioneers a new way for the church to release the Kingdom of God in the earth.
Paul was saying in our passage that mature believers who are faith filled, will not dwell on the past, but hang onto (in the present) what you have attained on your spiritual journey while always looking forward in faith.
There are certain qualities or identifiable marks on a faith filled follower of Christ that enable them to have significant impact for the Kingdom. Here are a few of those.
Faith Filled Followers will Function in an Intercessory Role
Faithful followers of Christ possess an ability to live in the present and yet possess a prophetic perception of what the future holds. Their faith enables them to cry out for what they see to be God’s will. They watch with anticipation the passing away of the staleness of the old and the breaking forth of a freshness of God making the ancient brand new. In other words, the ancient landmarks are to be re-embraced with the freshness of the Holy Spirit thus empowering ancient truth for the blessed future. Faithful followers stand as intercessors for these things to re-emerge. They pursue in prayer (standing in the gap) for people’s lives to embrace the ancient paths with new vigor and vitality.
Life, society and the world around us is becoming something like we’ve never experienced before. But we don’t need new solutions but rather to hold on to the presence of God and His eternal promises. The ancient truths concerning Christ and the cross are as relevant today as they always have been. Second,
Faith Filled Followers Pattern High Standards and Godly Lifestyles
Faith Filled Followers of Christ often form the habit patterns for coming generations. They have the desire, passion and ability to shape future generations by exemplifying lifestyles of faith and godliness. These patterns are then intended to create new societies and Christ honoring cultures.
For fear of being called legalistic, some compromise giving evidence of a lack of faith and trust in God’s Word. For it is His Word that calls for high standard and godly lifestyles. His word says, “Be ye holy even as I am holy.” Too often, people’s lifestyles are influenced by the environment around them rather than their lifestyles impacting the environment. The whole concept of salt and light in Scripture makes clear our responsibility as faith filled followers of Christ.
Faith Filled Followers Are Visionary and Proactive in Faith
Faith Filled Followers of Christ are visionaries and they are full of creative energy in God to help bring about a bright future. They are contagious and inspirational with the ability to positively provoke others to rise up and see things they could not previously see.
Faith Filled Followers possess an anointing (spiritual energy) of hope that helps them to live out the future that God intends. They do not fear the unknown because they see the future as a reality presented in Scripture. Isaiah outlines for us seven characteristics of a healthy community that God intends for us. It says,
“But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing and her people for gladness. I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in My people; And there will no longer be heard in her the voice of weeping and the sound of crying. No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his days; For the youth will die at the age of one hundred And the one who does not reach the age of one hundred will be thought accursed. They will build houses and inhabit them; they will also plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They will not build and another inhabit, They will not plant and another eat; For as the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of My people, and My chosen ones will wear out the work of their hands. They will not labor in vain or bear children for calamity; For they are the blessed by the LORD, and their descendants with them. It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the serpent's food. They will do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain," says the LORD.” (Isaiah 65:18-25)
Notice that this passage outlines for us a community that experiences: Public Celebration and Happiness; Public Health for Children and the Elderly; Housing for All; Food for All; Meaningful Work; Family Support Systems; and the Absence of Violence.
Faithful Followers are able to rise above the natural limitations of self to fulfill God’s purpose. They rise above empty traditions and fears to achieve divine goals and ideals. They have the anointing of God to turn the times of crisis into times of great opportunities so that Christ is made manifest. They walk in a high levels of hope and inspiration to keep themselves and others from being discouraged by circumstances. Their optimism and hope strengthens and encourages people to move forward. Of course, all this can only be real as a result of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit of God!
So in conclusion, every community is in need of a local church that is full of Faith Filled Followers of Christ intent on making a profound difference in the lives of people. Everything we do as Christians in the local church together - gather to worship, pray, make declarations, sing, fellowship, teach and preach the Word of God, plan and organize ministries and encourage decisions for Christ - is for the purpose of seeing the transformation of lives as well as the transformation of communities and culture all around us.
Yours may not be the largest church in your area, but that doesn’t mean that your church can’t have a large impact. Each and everyone in your church has a platform for influence. It may be small, medium size or large. But we can all help others if we ourselves will follow Christ full of faith and full of love. The key to it all is the measure to which Christ has one’s heart.
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