For the Love of God: Our Life Expression to His Exquisite Love
“For by grace you have been saved
through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may
boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in
them." (Ephesians 2:8-10)
True salvation does produce a response from the
Christian! While we know that salvation is by grace through faith, we cannot
escape the reality that this salvation proves itself out in peoples live in a
particular way. A full reading of Ephesians 2 definitely communicates this to
To understand the writings of Paul, we must
understand the context and culture to which he was writing. Otherwise, we will
misread Paul through the eyes of our 21st century setting. This is
the major problem with the contemporary church and modern theologians. We miss
the true meaning of the themes and times and thus misapply it to ourselves.
For example, Paul addressed things by taking into
consideration his Jewish audience because of their particular worldview. They saw themselves as the ethnically chosen
people instead of the people through which God would choose people to Himself.
Instead of recognizing that the Messiah would come through them for the whole
world, they thought only of themselves. Paul wrote everything He was given from
the Holy Spirit to communicate that God was not ethnically limited but rather
had a plan to redeem the whole world through His Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore,
they (the Jews) defined things in a particular way as to work and its result.
They focused their attention on the things that made people distinctively
Jewish and therefore part of the covenant people of God. However, Paul was
outlining a new way that would define this new covenant people. And he also
made it clear that this new covenant people was based upon salvation by grace
through faith. There is now no distinction between Jews and Gentiles if they
come in through Christ Jesus.
This changes the whole way we look at the works to
which we are saved. According to the Jews, there were customary and cultural
rituals that revealed the people of God. However, according to Jesus and Paul,
a new set of evidence is given to reveal the sons of God.
Christ and Paul moved things from religion to
This changes the whole way we look at the works to
which we are saved. It is no longer and actually never was the righteousness of
men. It has always been through faith. This is proven by how Abraham was seen
in the eyes of God. God chose Abraham and Abraham responded in faith. We are
told that Abraham was considered righteous because of his faith, not his works
or special effort of any sort.
But the Jews either
misunderstood this major point or considered the law as the determining factor
that caused them to stand out from all other people. Yet we do know that there
were moral and legal laws in other civilizations. For example, the Babylonian King Hammurabi wrote a code
of law that included many seemingly biblical ideas on morals and his writing
took place before Moses wrote the Bible’s first books. The oldest known law code is that of King
Menes of Egypt. It is called the Law of Tehut and dates to about 5200 years ago. Menes
administered justice and issued edicts which were designed to improve food
production and distribution, guard the rights of ruling families, improve
education and enhance knowledge of the natural world through geometry and
astronomy. Another ancient law code is the code of Ur-Nammu from the reign of
King Shulgi (2095-2047 BC). It covered family and inheritance law, rights of
slaves and laborers, and agricultural and commercial tariffs. This code prescribes
compensation for wrongs.
But what distinguished the Jews from other
civilizations was not the law but the placement of their faith. The Law of
Moses was the law of God, but faith in Jehovah as Creator of the universe and
the source of all good was to be the distinguishing issue.
This is where we start with our understanding of
life. God is our source and in Him do we place our faith. From there all other
things proceed. Christ came to incarnate the Word so that our faith would not
be in a code of ethics or morality but in a person who personified such things.
Otherwise, all we would have is religion! The coming of Christ and the writings
of Paul were intended to move things from religion to spirituality! From
genuine spirituality and faith in the person of Jesus Christ, all good life
would come forth.
When we read, as we did last week from the New
Testament, we understand that …
we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
This kind of life is produced from the love of God
and motivated by our love for Him and what God ultimately will bring forth in
the world!
We live according to the new order founded in the new covenant
in anticipation of the way God’s world WILL be. We work in humility, expressing
mercy and pursuing justice (making things right) because it’s how things should
be, but in doing so we also demonstrate the character of God and show to the
world the reality and hope inherent in the world to come. In short we do it
because it matters now and also because it signals a beautiful reality to come.
in conclusion, we are loved into the faith and in response to this love – we
love in return through surrendering to the great benefits that God offers us.
Our lives are to be living sacrifices to the will and purpose of our heavenly
these truths and realities will make all the difference in the way we conduct
ourselves in life. It will make a radical difference in the way we parent and
carry out our marriage commitments. It will free us to love and serve our
neighbor and our co-workers.
loves us so much that He has called us into His marvelous light. The question
is, “How much do we love God in return from grateful and appreciative hearts?”
“What response do we give Him to the precious blessings He offers us through
salvation?” “What proof is there that we are part of the new covenant community
that God has established through His mercy, grace and love?”
these truths and realities will make all the difference in the way we conduct
ourselves in life. It will make a radical difference in the way we parent and
carry out our marriage commitments. It will free us to love and serve our
neighbor and our co-workers.
loves us so much that He has called us into His marvelous light. The question
is, “How much do we love God in return from grateful and appreciative hearts?”
“What response do we give Him to the precious blessings He offers us through
salvation?” “What proof is there that we are part of the new covenant community
that God has established through His mercy, grace and love?”
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