The Mandate of Making Disciples
We are living in a dangerous time, particularly in the Church. It is dangerous because of the false messages coming forth from the pulpits of America. Political correctness and outright heresy are rampant. An example of such a danger that I have addressed is a prosperity gospel
that promotes materialism in the body of Christ. I am convinced that we need to be
patient and wait on God to take care of us – to persevere with faith and the
expectation of the return of Christ to make all things new.
The reason this needs to be pointed out is because of the increased discouragement that is prominent in many. A growing number of people don’t seem to see the results
they desire within the time frame they want it in. Therefore, they fall away from
the faith because they are jealous that the wicked seem to prosper while
Christians suffer or go without.
It is important to note that we are not in competition with the world! While the earth
belongs to the Lord and will at some point be renewed, we are currently not of
this world and its system. We are of another world and one that will ultimately
come to the earth. But we must wait! While we wait we live according to the
ways of the new world – the divine world. To have our hearts and desires in this
world is to deny God’s world and God’s ways.
This is why we as a TRUE CHURCH must understand our calling, the
vision and the way to go about fulfilling it. We must simplify our efforts. There is a
three-fold effort that we must put forth that will achieve the Biblical mandate
and qualify us as an obedient people of God without getting sidetracked by other gospels presented by so-called preachers of the Word. Mark these three on your heart: Making Disciples, Creating Community and Building
In this article, I will deal with the first of these – MAKING DISCIPLES! Matthew 28:18-20 says,
“And Jesus
came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to
me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching
them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.’”
Notice that Jesus said to make disciples of all nations. In other
words, the NATIONS must be discipled. God is interested in the nations – every
societal sphere coming under the authority of Christ (government, business,
education, religion, family, art and media). All of these things and more make
up a nation or a cultural spheres.
But how do you reach a nation? of course the answer is ONE PERSON AT A TIME! We must focus our
efforts on making disciples through personal investment in others. We must be able to define a disciple!
The characteristics of a disciple can be described as one who sits at the feet of another to learn of Him and to become
like Him. The goal of making disciples is to bring people into a relationship
with Christ. They sit at His feet and listen to His voice growing to know Him intimately and becoming like Him. A disciple of Jesus loves Him with ALL of his heart, mind, soul and
strength! He declares fro ma heart of devotion, “Lord, I am available to you for anything, anytime, anywhere!” A disciple
does not just add Jesus to the bulk and busyness of his life; his life revolves
around Jesus!
There are certain types of people in the church that fall into
particular categories. There are those I call PROFESSORS. These are those who say they know Christ but live their
lives distant from Him with no real focus or attention given to Christ. They only
refer to Him when asked or in trouble, Then there are KNOWER'S. These are those that know a lot about Christ and will use
religion for security purposes. They know enough of the legalities and fine
print with their head to make others think they are true. In addition, there are FOLLOWERS. These are those that believe and follow Christ by being
where they are supposed to be. They hear and agree but come up short of full
application. They follow because they know there is something credible and
wonderful about Christ but do not yet know how to move to the next level. Finally, there are DISCIPLES. These are those who are defined as “learners; those who are teachable and disciplined.” Many believers
are followers of Jesus, but not so many are true disciples. Being teachable and
disciplined are probably two of the greatest deficits within the Body of Christ
in most western countries today.
We need the Lord’s vision for making disciples. Our goal in
following Christ is not just material accumulation, but true transformation
into the likeness of our Master. “Where there is no vision, the people perish, but
happy is he who keeps the Law.” (Prov. 29:18)
I have found that there are consequences of having no vision.
Where there is no vision, there is ... No Consistent Course in Life! Without a God-given vision, the power to hold us and keep
us on course for God’s will for our lives specifically and corporately is
Where there is no vision, there is ... No Development of New Believers! Unless we have a vision for making disciples, we will fail
to get alongside new believers and help them mature in the Lord. Instead, we
will busy ourselves with many worthwhile activities, but will leave this
commission of the Lord unfulfilled. We leave new believers to their own
progress, hoping they don’t fall away from the faith. As a result, many of them
will never grow, develop and fulfill their God-given potential.
Where there is no vision, there is ... No Wisdom for Our Own Choices! Being unrestrained, we may be unable to choose the best
over the good. Not only will we fail to disciple others, but also we will find
excuses for being lazy in the spiritual disciplines ourselves.
Where there is no vision, there is ... An Open Door for the Enemy! When Christians have no vision for making disciples, it
dramatically affects the church and the earth. The result: Instead of being
strong in the Scriptures, some Christians pursue humanistic psychology and New
Age philosophies for answers to their problems. They cannot apply the Word of
God personally and cannot teach others. The Church has failed by not investing time
and effort to disciple and equip the saints.
Where there is no vision, there is ... Negative Impact on the Growth of the Church and the Kingdom. The importance of making disciples cannot be overstated.
Dr. Keith Phillips says, “Discipleship is
the only way to produce both the quantity and quality of believers God
desires.” Consider these recent evangelistic statistics: 80% of
those accepting the Lord fall away from Him within the first year! WHY? They
were never personally discipled. When the floodgates of evangelism were opened in the
Soviet Union with the fall of communism several years ago, many statistics indicated that only
about five percent of those who made decisions for Jesus continued more than a
few weeks in the faith. The Great Commission is not to go and make converts,
but go and make disciples.
Jesus had a vision for discipleship and His ministry modeled it! The ministry of Jesus involved investing His life into 12 men for
three and a half years so that they, in turn, could transmit that life to
others. He showed them: Who the Father was, and how to have a growing,
disciplined relationship with Him. He taught them to pray, to understand the
Scriptures, to minister with power, and to walk in humility and love. Jesus’
earthly ministry was divided into two chief areas:
He Ministered to the Multitudes
Jesus described His ministry to the multitudes in Luke
4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to
preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, preach
deliverance to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, liberate the
oppressed, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”
He Mentored a Minority
Jesus taught and trained 12 men,
investing His life into them. John 17:6,8 describes Jesus’ ministry to these
men: “I
have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world...
I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received
them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed
that You sent Me.”
Later in John 17:18, the Lord’s disciples
were sent out to do the same: To preach the gospel and heal the sick to reveal the character and love of the Father; to convince others of the divinity of Jesus; and to disciple people in their personal relationships with God and His
Our calling as disciples is exactly the same as that of His original
disciples. We are to minister to the masses in the power of the Spirit through
preaching, teaching and healing. We are to mentor and disciple others in their
relationship with God understanding that Jesus did not try to disciple everyone. He only trained those whom the
Father gave Him; He poured His life into those twelve men.
A disciple making strategy is the straight-forward, intentional impartation
of God’s Word into another person through personal engagement. In the Body of Christ today we have volumes of talented, gifted and able people, but we lack when it comes to seasoned men and women who model
the nature and lifestyle of the Lord Jesus. A deficiency in the
Body of Christ is mature godly character. Many believers today still
need to be taught how to know the Lord more personally, pray effectively, and
study the Scriptures with the ability to apply God's Word to their lives.
May our focus for 2012 be to use our resources, time and effort to make
disciples rather than to enlarge church membership. If we make disciples it
will automatically build the church and the Kingdom. Let’s all decide today to be fully obedient to Christ in this endeavor. After all, that is the first step to being a true disciple!
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