“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
As Americans, we should be proud and grateful that God has allowed us to live in a remarkable nation! As a church located in this great nation, we embrace the values of freedom and independence! We support the ideals of liberty because they are Biblical values and I am convinced that despite the moral decline of our nation, there is still hope for a bright future and greatness can still be our living legacy! However, there needs to be a renewed understanding of freedom and a return to the divine principles that made her great. This return is not at the bureaucratic level but at the grassroots level. We too often want to look up instead of at ourselves. This is still a nation of the people by the people and for the people! Therefore change must occur at our individual level rather than to always expect it from some other place.
Atop the hill in Washington, D.C. stands the Capitol Building of the United States of America. The cornerstone was laid in 1793, but the crowning touch is the statue on top of the rotunda known as the “Freedom Lady” that was placed there in 1863. The Freedom Lady, stands nearly 20 feet tall (that’s some lady), and stands proudly atop the dome. A crest of stars frames her face. A shield of Stars and Stripes is in her left hand.
Sculpted in Rome, “the Lady” was brought to America aboard a sailing ship. During the trip across the Atlantic Ocean, a fierce storm developed. The Captain ordered cargo thrown overboard to lighten the load. The sailors wanted to throw the heavy statue overboard, but the captain refused, shouting over the wind, “No! Never! We’ll flounder before we throw ‘Freedom’ away.” And so, “Freedom” was saved, and the statue stands above the dome today, because one man stood for “Freedom.”
For me, one word sums up America, freedom. America prides itself on her freedom. Yet freedom in the history of our nation has gone through a transitional period since our inception that I simply refer to as “The Three Phases of Freedom.”
PHASE ONE - Freedom OF … The Establishment of the Bill of Rights
In 1787, our constitution was written and sent for ratification to the states. As the ratification process went along, people wanted the guarantee of specific freedoms, and within a few years, the Bill of Rights were added as the first 10 amendments to our constitution. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of people to peaceably assemble, and many of the other freedoms we enjoy added.
Paul reminds us in Romans 13:4, "The government is God’s servant working for your good." This first phase of freedom flows out of the Revolutionary War and Declaration of Independence that we celebrate to this day.
PHASE TWO - Freedom FROM … The State of the American Culture Today
Over the years, and especially over the last 40-50 years, we have seen a change in freedom out of phase one’s freedom of to phase two’s freedom from. For many Americans today freedom means to be free from any type of restraints. Freedom that is similar to what one finds in the Old Testament in the book of Judges in Judges 21:25,
"At that time there was no king in Israel. People did whatever they felt like doing."
Somewhere along the road of freedom, we as Americans have fallen into the trap of being more focused on our freedom from, than our freedom of. Someone once observed, “We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities.”
A recent survey indicates …
Only 13 percent of Americans still believe in all 10 Commandments.
9 out of 10 citizens admit they lie regularly.
For 10 million dollars, 7% of our people say they would kill a stranger.
Many Americans are living in this second phase, wishing for a better day, but also seeking freedom that goes along with whatever they feel like doing. That’s why I hope for a third phase.
PHASE THREE - Freedom FOR … Opportunities to Reveal Christ to Those in Need
While phase one takes us back to America’s birth and phase two describes today, phase 3 describes God’s eternal purpose whether one be free or a slave, to recognize that freedom is for an opportunity to connect people to Jesus the ultimate source of eternal freedom. As Jesus himself declares in John 8:36,
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be absolutely free."
Many live in fear that their sins will revisit them. Many live with the constant pressure of believing they are still bound by issues and can’t seem to enjoy liberty. There are feelings and thoughts of unworthiness and hopelessness. How about you, do you have those same fears?
Throughout Galatians, Paul affirms how Christ’s death takes away that fear, and how God provides lasting forgiveness and restoration in knowing that Jesus Christ has set me free not just for a day, but for eternity.
As we celebrate our nation’s freedom, not only once a year but daily, let us all celebrate and remember what God has made our Freedom FOR.
Are you free today? Certainly you are as a citizen of this great nation! But are your truly free spiritually because of your acceptance of what Christ has done for you? Today can be your INDEPENDENCE DAY from sin, bondage and death!
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