The Emerging Spiritual Counter Revolution
Jesus came, lived, died, rose and ascended to produce a race of followers that would devote their lives to a spiritual counter-revolution! A counter-revolution is a revolution that moves against a previous revolution in an attempt to overthrow it and restore the original government.
We know that in the beginning, there was a revolution that seized the heart of man and initiated a rebellious spirit that has moved from generation to generation driving the human race deeper and deeper into bondage. The tragic results were death, disease, despair, danger, devastation, and degradation. The government of satan was established in the hearts of men through the dominion of flesh and needed to be challenged and conquered. This Jesus did! Yet, there is still great need for mankind to join the work of Christ in this counter engagement. It is important that the original government of God be re-established in the hearts of men and in the culture of earth.
It is time for the church to step out and into a new dimension of faith. It is time for you to step out and into a new realm of faith. Otherwise, the coming battles will be lost in your personal life. Believe me, there are coming battles the likes of which we have never faced before! These are not just spiritual battles but they are battles that will move from the unseen realm to the seen. They will no longer be subtle but blatant! They have already begun! The lines are being drawn and the call is going forth – WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE! There is a major clash of kingdoms and the battles are spilling out into the natural unlike ever before. The enemy is running scared and therefore he has raised his game. He is enlisting reinforcements and marching against Zion – the committed people of the living God!
“And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: "Make two silver trumpets for yourself; you shall make them of hammered work; you shall use them for calling the congregation and for directing the movement of the camps.”
Make two silver trumpets: The two silver trumpets were for use in directing the movement of the camps for marching and for battle, and also for gathering the nation together for an assembly.
"When they blow both of them, all the congregation shall gather before you at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. But if they blow only one, then the leaders, the heads of the divisions of Israel, shall gather to you. When you sound the advance, the camps that lie on the east side shall then begin their journey. When you sound the advance the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall begin their journey; they shall sound the call for them to begin their journeys. And when the assembly is to be gathered together, you shall blow, but not sound the advance. The sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow the trumpets; and these shall be to you as an ordinance forever throughout your generations. When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies. Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a memorial for you before your God: I am the LORD your God." (Verse 3-10)
When they blew both of them, the whole congregation shall gather: Distinctive sounds were made to indicate gathering for assembly, marching, or warfare. God also promised to hear the trumpet of Israel in warfare, and to act on behalf of the nation.
There is a sound going forth into the earth calling to the north, the south, the east and the west. The sound is a sound of assembly, marching and warfare. We have heard it before but not like this. It is not a general sound, but a specific sound. It is a sound that is not intended to get our attention only, but it carries with it certain sounds within it that are instruction based and directive. The sound is causing an order of service with strategy capable of confusing the enemy and confounding the world.
Confusing the Enemy - The enemy will be confused because the armies of God will mobilize, master their calling and maneuver effectively against the systems of the earth. He has never seen anything like this before. His work to keep the church divided and on the side line has been one of his great successes. His ability to disorient the believer from knowing their identity in Christ and walking in their destiny has been a trophy effort for centuries. His effort to disable divine influence through the people of God has enabled the world to rule over what does not belong to them.
Confounding the World - The world is about to be confounded by the care, concern, capability and creativity of the church like never before. They have lost their fear and respect for the people o God due to our own passivity in our faith as well the fact that we relinquished our rightful place in the earth. We said to the world, “You can have the present and the earth, we will take the future and heaven!” They accepted the deal. But this was not the deal offered by the rightful owner of the earth. We had no right to make a deal and now God is setting the matter straight. The world is about to be confounded by the emerging armies of the living God!
You are going to be challenged by what is about to happen in the earth! We are in an “Israel at Sinai” moment with Moses. We are at an “Israel at Carmel” time with Elijah.
The church must change! Here’s how we must change:
It is no longer enough to simply know the truth. The knowing I speak of is an intellectual knowledge or simple conscious awareness of what truth may be. Knowing the truth in this way does not set you free. It is important to embrace the truth in a tangible active way. The kind of knowing that is required is an intimate embrace of possession that literally transforms one’s life into something other than what one was previously.
If Jesus is the truth (and He is), then it is far more important to embrace Him than it is to simply know Him intellectually.
“The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (I John 2:4)
We are in great need in these times to embrace …
· The Revelation
Ø Of the King
I recently had a word given to me from the Lord that said that we are in great need to embrace the Christ of Jesus rather than just Jesus! We do not hear about the anti-Jesus spirit or an anti-Jesus coming upon the scene one day. We hear of an anti-christ spirit or an anti-christ. This is because we will not get much fight from the enemy concerning Jesus as even most of the world respects Jesus the man. Even the moslems honor Jesus as a special prophet and rabbi. But Jesus as Christ is another story. This is where the enemy goes ballistic.
The Spirit says that we are to embrace Jesus as Christ the King! It is then that we make a declaration of war!
We do this most prominently …
§ Through Lordship
o In Our Families
Our families must become models worthy of following. The world needs to see a standard of excellence in the home that they are jealous of. Making Christ Lord over our families through our personal commitment and devotion to Him is essential. Practical application of Biblical principles is essential!
o In Our Churches
The Church has to change dramatically! The Lordship of Christ is evident when we are no longer in need of being pastored in the church but we become pastors in the community.
Recently the Lord spoke to me and said that there is to be a new paradigm in leading the church. Pastors are to learn how to pastor their cities and communities through the people that have gathered unto a message. In other words, I am called to a community and I must learn to touch that community through you who have gathered unto a vision and a message.
o In Our Communities
Our community is crying out for an answer to their plight. The poor are starving. The homeless are dying. The fatherless are crying. The cities are struggling. We have the answer and it is found in Christ the King. He has the Word for the city alive in you and I the church.
But we must change! We must see the city as our parish. We must become relevant and repent from self-indulgence. Despite our criticism and disdain for the Catholic Church, there is much we can learn from their Kingdom structure. They are structured with the cities of the earth in mind. They have Bishops over cities with parishes across those cities meeting the needs of the community in tangible ways. They do not think only of what comes to them. Though our doctrines differ, there is certainly an apostolic structure that needs to be considered to change the city.
There is a word that says, “He who serves leads!” The church must embrace the Lordship of Christ over our families, churches and communities.
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