"A Response to the Book - 'The Secret'"
In 2006, a book entitled, “The Secret”, hit the market and immediately rose to the top of the New York Time bestsellers list. The book claims to disclose a secret that has been held down through the centuries by those who have had great success in life. It states that this secret has been fought over, pursued, hidden and protected. It says that this secret has made the difference between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’. The whole premise is based on what is called, ‘The Law of Attraction’. This supposed law of the universe says that if we think of what we want and stay focused on it, believe with an attitude that we have already received it then it will come to us. The book contends that there are frequencies from us that are sent out into the universe from our thoughts that cause the universe to realign to our desires. These thoughts are to attract what we desire into our lives. This whole process is said to be essential to bring forth happiness, joy and success in all we do.
There is an element of truth in much of what is written in the “The Secret”. Thoughts are instrumental to our behavior and successes. But there are certainly significant flaws in a lot of what is presented. For example, the source of all that comes into one’s life is said to be the result of a universal alignment. The idea behind this is that the universe is the ultimate provider of all that we want and desire. In addition, there is an improper emphasis on the mind and the emotions. While it is true that the mind and emotions are major players in the development and product of our lives, they are the wrong internal source from whence man should function. An understanding of the spirit is sadly missing from the writers of the “The Secret”. Without a true understanding of the spirit of man and it’s role and function in our lives, we cannot know the origin or the purpose of such concepts as has been explored by the book. This is the missing element that removes eternity from the equation. Eternity is larger than the universe and that brings a greater presence into reality – the one that is eternal, God! The book is making a valiant attempt to find the right things. But apart from the true source of all that is good and beneficial to man, humanity will not find that which has eternal value. The Secret limits itself to the universe being the ultimate power and source of all things. However, the universe is small in comparison to eternity and the eternal God that created it.
Until we accept the reality of God the Father as our source of existence and the source of all there is, we will continue to miss the mark. The premise of the book, “The Secret”, is a deception that causes people to think they have found what they are looking for through the power of positive thought. However, this earthly and temporary surge of positive energy will actually keep individuals from finding eternal peace, joy and success found only in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived by smoke and mirrors even though it may sound like truth. The only truth is Jesus!
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