Happy Birthday Tammy, My Love and My Life!

I wanted to try and figure out a way to have as many people as possible wish my sweet Tammy a happy birthday. After all, it is a big one! She is turning 60 on June 9th. Now I know some of you are appalled that I would tell my wife's age, but she is proud of getting old, uh, I mean older. She tells everyone how old she is and can't hardly wait to turn 60. So it's okay! So I would love for everyone to comment on this blog not to necessarily comment on my blog about my wife but to use it as a way to express a 'happy birthday' to her or even share a word about her and what she has meant to you. So please respond below as I would love to sit down and read all of your kind words with her. Now, let me share what she means to me. I met Tammy when I was about 11 years old at church. She and her family were regular members. Me and my family were, at best, occasional attendees. At that time, we were just acquainted with each other never realizing what the future held for us. ...