Post Election Prophetic Analysis

(An Article Adapted from a Message Delivered by Pastor Randy Howard at the Gate Church of the High Desert on November 8, 2020) It is important, as Christians, that we see beyond our immediate situations and realize that God has a plan that primarily benefits Himself. I know this sounds strange since we think we are the center of the universe and that God is working overtime to comfort and convenience us. But God is about His business and if we align ourselves with Him, we become beneficiaries of His master plan and majestic purpose. So I will attempt to give a Post Election Prophetic Analysis that will not please everyone and will certainly raise some eyebrows. So here goes! The first thing I want to address is ... THE ELECTION AND OUR PRAYERS I’m sure that most of you prayed about this election. You probably prayed, like I did, for a certain candidate to win. I’m sure most Evangelical Christians (not all) prayed for our current President to...