Christ as a Follower: The Great Lesson of Leadership

When evaluating what a leader is, it is important to look at the life of the greatest leader of all time. His name is Jesus! It is also important, when evaluating a leader, to consider what it means to follow. So putting these two thoughts together - how does a leader exemplify strong and authentic leadership as a follower of Jesus Christ? First, let’s recognize Jesus as a follower. I know it sounds strange to refer to Jesus as a follower, but it is true. Jesus followed His Father’s instructions by obediently and humbly laying down His life as a ransom for many. He followed the lead of the Holy Spirit in everything that He did here on earth, for example, like being led into the wilderness by the Spirit of God. Jesus said that He only speaks what His Father speaks and He only does what His Father does. These are all indicators that Jesus was not only a great leader but also a great follower. Second, Jesus leads us by following the will of His Father and so should we lead others...