Administrating the Sacraments
In an effort to do things “decently and in order” as the Scripture commands (I Corinthians 14:40), we need to look at how we do what we do in the church. Paul addressed many things in relation to how the local church is to be structured, how it is to be led and how ministry and worship is to be conducted. These instructions are helpful to us but what is the proper and orderly way for Baptism and Communion to be conducted? There is a lot written about ‘who can be baptized’ but there is very little about ‘who can baptize’. Yet there are those who will say that any believer can baptize another who repents of their sins and declares Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Then there are those who hold the position that only ordained Elders/Pastors should administer the ordinances and sacraments of the church. There are fine people and brilliant thinkers on both sides of this issue. The main point for those that are in favor of any Christian baptizing a new believer typically hold to the ...