The Contemporary Church: Where's the Fire?
I believe we are living in a day when the significance of the church is underestimated and undervalued. The proof is in declining church attendance, decreased church giving and a drop in church involvement. A prevailing attitude that the church is no longer important in Christianity and that one can be all right with God whether they belong to the church or not exists in more people than we really know. This mindset exists due to ignorance, fear of commitment and accountability as well as a desire to engage in other interests contrary to the call of Christ on a Christian. If Christ were to suddenly and miraculously appear in the physical realm and call each one of us to stand before Him in front of a crowd around us asking us why we were not more committed to the very plan He designed to accomplish His work on the earth, what would you say? What excuses would you give? Well, may I tell you that Christ is present by His Spirit just as real as His physical presence and He is asking th...