Faith that Works: Legitimate Faith, Living the Word
It is important for us to pay close attention to the writings of James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the book of James was to define FAITH THAT WORKS in the life of the believer while going through adversity. It was to let those believers scattered throughout the nations know that trials and tribulations are useful to prove our faith by the way in which we handle these difficulties and that fruitful works will follow legitimate faith. James says to … - COUNT IT ALL JOY when you enter into different trials! - KNOW that trials develop perseverance that produces maturity! - ASK FOR WISDOM to prove faith in the midst of adversity! We are then told that God is actually working with us in our trials ready to give them a crown of life for endurance and victory – for passing the test. As I have often said about the tests of life for a child of God, it is impossible to fail. You simply have to keep taking them over until you pass. The key is learning and growing. ...