
Showing posts from March, 2011

Persevering in the Truth

It is important that we as a people – the people of God - proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and King, prove our salvation and life in Christ, persevere in the truth of God’s Word and raise the standard of righteousness and His Kingdom. Revival is hindered and the Kingdom cannot be established fully unless we come into alignment with these declarations. Today, many are giving up and throwing in the towel out of frustration over life.  They feel as if God has abandoned them and left them high and dry, so they walk away and depart from the truth.  We are in great need of a dose of reality, spirituality and finality concerning our faith.  Our faith needs to be real, divine and certain.  We need to step in deeper without expectations instead of stepping out because of disappointments. When we find ourselves in such a place, the enemy is waiting to seize upon our mind and heart.  He is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour or intimidate.  But remember...